Sunday, August 24, 2014

They wanted to be the Cosmos

All real spirituality is a testimony to this world as much as the other: the material universe does exist.

Now the mystics around me had not this lively faith that things are fantasies because they are facts. They wanted, as all magicians did, "to control the elements"; to be the Cosmos. They wished the stars to be their omnipresent eyes and winds their long wild tongues unrolled; and therefore they favoured twilight, and all the dim and borderland mediums in which one thing melts into which a man can be as large as Nature and (what is worse) as impersonal as Nature. But I never was properly impressed with the mystery of twilight, but rather with the riddle of daylight, as huge and staring as the sphinx. 

And everything had that strange and high indifference that belongs only to things that are...

Read the rest here:

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